Tuesday, May 12, 2020


 This was a 1997 cassette put together by Ray Carmen that featured various artists from his POP! Productions catalogue!

Here's where you can find more up to date and current information about the music of Ray Carmen!
 Side one has some great tracks by some great artists, some I was familiar with, and some were new to me at the time. I've always enjoyed compilation tapes and LP's of different people. What a great way to hear music from people you never heard of  before!

Side two is full of Ray's own equally cool music!

 So there's a lot of good music on this tape, but here's a cut from a band I had never heard of before, and I tried to find out more information, but all I have is what's on this tape, and that is that they were from Seattle, so here's a great song:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So great to hear a song online in 2020 that I originally recorded on a cassette deck in my brother's living room back in 1982. Thanks for posting, Darrell!
