Tuesday, August 31, 2021

MEMPHIS MYSTICS - "Norwegian Wood" (1990's)

Among all his other projects, John Sanders also had a band in San Francisco in the 90's called Memphis Mystics. The band consisted of John Sanders - Keyboards, Dain Dizarro - Bass, and Hudson on the Drums! 
Here's a sweet cover version of a great song that everybody should be familiar with by now. Listen closely and you'll hear a short Hendrix bass line thrown into the mix just for good measure!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

OOH OOH MUSIC - "Grumpy Tape" - Pop-Cult Magazine (1991)

The only picture I had to show you was the tape itself with it's homemade "Ooh Ooh Grumpy" label, and after spending three minutes in the garage looking for it, I gave up because I was getting eaten up by those nasty ankle-biter mosquitoes, and it was just making me grumpier! I'll add it later if I ever find it! 

The only real thing I know is that we had a song on this tape that wasn't on any of our other tapes, that's how good it is! So here you go! 

HERMANOS GUZANOS - "Don't Call Me Grumpy!" 

Great! Now I still have to find the "Dopey" tape too! I might have to wait until Winter!

Also, when I posted up "The Happy Tape" a couple of years ago, a fellow named Doug Wofsey who worked with Michael Gonzales on these projects, left a comment that I only just saw a few minutes ago for some reason, that said "Pop Cult was supposed to be 7 issues with each theme being one of the 7 dwarves. We only got thru 4 of them (Happy, Dopey, Grumpy and Sleepy). Each tape would have songs that corresponded to that theme." Doug also said he still plays music with Michael as The Hillbilly Varmints and around Halloween as The Rockin' Bones.


So here you go, here's The Hillbilly Varmints with "Shanty Tramp." Let's see if we can that hit counter up there closer to a million where it belongs!

Saturday, August 28, 2021

EVANESCENCE - "Hallwalls" (2005)

"Evanescence" was a free jazz venture by John Bartles and associates recorded 5-15-05. 
Just as the liner notes say, it was "recorded live on location at an undisclosed warehouse in Buffalo, N.Y. A free-association session pitting 4 personalities who had never played together before in mortal artistic combat!"

The guys making all the sounds are John Bartles, The Bassturd Guy - Vocals, Ravi Padmanabha - Drums & Percussion, Steve Baczkoloski - Reeds & Wind Powered Instruments, and their friend Leif on String Bass. So here you go..........

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

TRINKETS - "Al Perry Various Artists Compilation" (1990's)

"Trinkets" was an early 1990's various artists compilation CD of instrumentals put out by Al Perry, and unless something happened after the fact, it was never released, but a few might have escaped!

There's not a whole lot of information on here. We had one cut on this CD, and I traded tapes with about half the people on it at one time or another, other than that, there are not even any song titles.

I thought I was not going to be able to give you any samples because it sounded like the CD-R was defective, but as it turned out, I had to re-install my sound card, so I hope these sound all right! I have no idea who What Went Wrong were, but this is a fun song!
This other tune is an outright classic from  

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

SCOTT DAVEY - "Exterminator!" (1993)

"Exterminator" was a 1993 experimental release from Scott Davey. I think he is the only musician involved, and it's mostly all keyboards and synths.

Scott hailed from the Bay Area in California, and had his own "Egg & Anvil" label. The same year he sent me another tape called "Goner" that you can also sample on this site.
"Exterminator" is a two-sided tape, but both sides contain the same stuff, so you never have to rewind it! Pretty smart I'd say.
Here's a piece that's based on a 1960's Japanese monster movie so you kind of know what to expect!

Monday, August 9, 2021


I used to get a lot of other stuff in the mail in the 90's besides the tapes people sent me. Here are a handful of postcards I received. Some of these came from France, but this handmade New Year's greeting card came from Alvaro, The Chilean with the Singing Nose who lives in Konstanz, Germany!

Here's a 2020 video from Alvaro called "Furious Nipples."

I can't remember who sent me this. It's an unused professionally made postcard featuring a Technorock band called Alpha 2. It says on the back the members were Adrian Holland, Rob Chadwick, and Lee Mills.

This postcard came from Lyon, France, but I can't read the writing on the back. I think it was an invitation to be on a various artists comp tape.

This was some kind of artist 'photo card.' It's also unused so I have no idea who sent it to me.

I scanned this postcard some time ago, and put it someplace safe, and now I can't find it. I do remember that this one also came from France.

Monday, August 2, 2021

BREATHILIZÖR - "Unrelenting War Of Obesity By The Hideous Cock Kings Of Zorbzum 9" (2020)

Well, it was sure good to hear from my old pal Dave Schall again after some thirty odd years, and I sure had no idea what he had been up, but he'd been plenty busy working on stuff like this Breathilizör CD.

Now I don't know if you're familiar with Breathilizör of not, but this might be some of the rumbling grumbliest music of all time!
This CD came out in 2020, and is titled
 "Unrelenting War Of Obesity By The Hideous Cock Kings Of Zorbzum 9,"
and that's exactly what it sounds like!
The cover art was from a painting called "War" done by Rian Pickell.

The band consisted of Battle-axe Cattle-axe Seattle-axe: Tongue and Lung, 
Judi Bloom: Meth Sprays, Death Rays, and Shooting Eyeball Ferocity Strikes, and
Jazon Blondhamz: Nothing. No one cares.

Here's cut # 2 for your sadistic pleasures.....
BREATHILIZÖR - "Cavemen Of Outer Space"