Thursday, September 30, 2021

JOHN BARTLES - "Trauma Based Mind Control For Fun And Profit "

This is a another great CD by John Bartles. I can't remember what year he sent it to me, but it seems like it was in the last four or five years! 

The credits say "Nameless Victims"

You never knew what to expect from the musicians that John had work with him, and this CD is no exception, and has some very different arrangements on it. Check out this one tune, and you'll know what I'm talking about, and if you don't, it's because you ain't got no conozco!

Friday, September 24, 2021

JOHN EBERLY - "To The Absent Other" (1989)

John Eberly is from Wichita, Kansas, and "To The Absent Other" was a solo tape that he put out in 1989, when he wasn't busy with his other projects like The Mumbles, and The Eberly Brothers.
John, of course also did the cover art.

This is stripped down bare bones just John singing and playing guitar. All the songs were written by John, and it was recorded 'live' to a two-track Crown CX822

John Eberly is the only guy I know to put out a one page magazine. The name of it was "The Dialogues."

John's a thinker, and "The Dialogues" is a good example of why I say that! John's also a very talented songwriter and singer, and I think this song with convince you to agree!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

RICH ARITHMETIC - "You Are Always Right" b/w "Up To You" (2021)

Rich Arithmetic just came out with his third new single in a digital format. That's either a good thing or a bad thing depending how you look at it. You can't hold it in your hand like a record or a CD or a tape, but it's accessible streaming any time you want!

Even though it's a digital release, there is still an 'A' and a 'B' side, which is kind of ironic, because if they weren't numbered, you wouldn't know which one was the 'A' side, because they're both of equal merit! You just can't lose! It's "Up To You!"
Give it a listen and find out for yourself, why Rich is always wrong, and.......

Monday, September 13, 2021

RATTUS REXX - "Hydrocyanic" (1986)

My friend Winfried Pickart might have passed away a few years ago, but his music will live on forever, especially if I have anything to say about it. Rattus Rexx was Winnie along with his partner Gaby Hünnerbein, the other vocalist in the band. Gaby is now known as Gaby Tiger, and she is still performing today!  This tape was one of the first ones I got from Winnie. It was titled "Hydrocyanic," which means a poisonous weak acid that is used mainly in fumigating and organic synthesis, or in this case, music!

Here's the first song from side one. I like this song a lot! Turn it up!!

Monday, September 6, 2021

PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY - "Independent Art By Musicians" (1987 - 1999)

Music and Art go hand and hand like two lovers walking in the park, and most creative people can't stay focused on just one thing, so here's some of the artwork I've received over the years for various reasons, most just as extensions of tape trading. 
This first piece is by my good buddy and comic artiste extraordinaire and fellow Guzano, Brian J. Riedel done in 1987 for an underground comic that was supposed to be illustrations to go along with song lyrics. I think they put the kibosh on the whole project because they didn't quite have permissions!

Here's an original drawing from 1988 of a couple of numb-skull-balls sent to me by another artistic Guzano genius, my best pal Gary Wray!

Here's a really funny 1990 illustration from John Eberly of the incredible band The Mumbles!

Here's some more cool original art on the back of an envelope from my friend Dimitar in Bulgaria.

On a more serious note, here are some photos of some very gorgeous and large paintings by my good friend Guido Erfren in Germany. This one was titled "The Way To Succeed " and was done in 1987-89.

This one was titled "Triptych No. 1" and was done in 1990. Guido is also a musician and ran the SHM label, but unfortunately I have lost track of him.

This last piece by Guido was titled "Triptych No. 2" and was also from 1990.

Friday, September 3, 2021

GAJOOB SAMPLER - Issue #9, Sampler #3 (1993) Part II

Sometimes you just gotta go back to the well!
 I was organizing a bunch of files I have, and realized I had made two mp3's from Gajoob Sampler Tape #3, and this one was just too good to be left behind!
 I found the following information on Wikipedia about the band. "D.Q.E. was formed by singer/songwriter Grace Braun, New York photographer Chris Verene and former Fat Day drummer Zak Sitter in 1986. The band later evolved into one built around the core of Grace Braun (renamed Anna Trodglen) and her husband/drummer, music writer Dugan Trodglen."
Bryan's review fits this band perfectly. They're almost like a country version of The Velvet Underground, spunky, and very raw!

This song came off of this tape called "N Is For Knowledge," or "N Is For Nollidge," one of the two. I found this picture of the cover of the tape on their Discogs page. Apparently they changed their name from Dairy Queen Empire to the abbreviated D.Q.E. after they made this tape. Even looking at the song titles, I couldn't figure out the name of this song!