The other time Dr. Demento played something that had to do with us was on April 1, 1990. It was a song by our pal John Bartles that was off of his "Orange Album" that we got to help out with the instrumentation on a couple of songs! The music for this song was mostly just Gary Wray and a Casio keyboard!
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
HERMANOS GONZALES - Dr. Demento's Radio Show - "Beer in My Underwear" (1993)
One of Hermanos Guzanos' greatest achievements was being on Dr.
Demento's Radio Show twice! Neither time was anything we did by ourselves, but something we did with somebody else, all via the good old U.S. mail.
This time out it was Michael Gonzales of Plastic Eye Miracle fame who wrote all the words and did all the vocalizing, and we supplied the music. It turned out to be an interesting tape together called Hermanos Gonzales - "The Miracle Of The Worms" that was a pretty strange amalgamation, mostly due to Michael's wit and humor, and this song was played on Dr. Demento's show March 21, 1993! Our payment was this xeroxed copy of the playlist!
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
ACU-PUNK-TURE - Various Artists (1990)
This 1990 various artists compilation titled "Acu-Punk-Ture"was a Zugang Fanzine production from Richmond, Indiana. Sometimes we got included on punk various artists compilation tapes like these, not because we were punks, but because we were weird. As it turns out, punks were very open minded, and had a sense of humor!
This tape also came with this zine with info on the artists. Our pal John Bartles was also on this release, but other than that the
roster of artists sounded like this! Rednecks in Pain, No fraud, DryRot,
Political Asylum, Happy Kadaver, Weird Paul, Lie Detectors, Kismet HC,
The Nids, Bias Ply, Action Figure, David Reynolds, Human Ashtrays, and
the band I'm going to give you a sample of, from Lawrence, Kansas.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
HOW ANDY SPENT A WEEK ONE NIGHT IN BAKERSFIELD - Various Artists (Late 80's or Early 90's)

I've always liked various artists LPs and compilation tapes, and "How Andy Spent A Week One Night In Bakersfield!" is a cool example of what was going on musically in the fine community of Bakersfield, California in the late 80's and early 90's. This cassette was put together by the owner of the local used record store called Andy Noise. The owner's name was Paul, and being an avid collector, I frequented the place a lot. We've never been known as the most social guys in the world, but I gave Paul a copy of our first tape, so he included our song called "Return Of The Blade" on this tape of local artists. Paul's Dad took the cover photo of downtown Bakersfield. I don't think I ever met or even heard any of these bands play, although I do think one of them was playing at this party we stumbled into one night. The other groups featured on this tape were Premonition, Nyet! Censorship, Freeze Dried Death, Miss Alans, Cradle Of Thorns (who ended up recording for KORN's label Elementree Records), Fatal Vision, Sonic Brain Jam, Cal. All Stars, Fantasy, Chaotic Evil, Light Boy, and last but not least, The Examples!
THE EXAMPLES - "The New One"
Here's also some rare footage I found on YouTube of The Examples playing their first gig at Mike McClain's house around 1985 (This just might have been the party we went to), and a very cool song called
"Charles Engalls!"
THE EXAMPLES - "The New One"
Here's also some rare footage I found on YouTube of The Examples playing their first gig at Mike McClain's house around 1985 (This just might have been the party we went to), and a very cool song called
"Charles Engalls!"
Friday, June 15, 2018
REV. TOM FROST - "Mysteries & Manners" (2016)
Although not from the 80's or 90's, the Reverend Tom Frost is a friend, and a French
musician who is a modern day version of that era! Tom is an incredibly
talented musician who epitomizes the concept of D.I.Y. music, and is damn
good at it, if I do say so myself! Years ago Tom had a blog that was basically a history of
early blues, rock, and country music called "Spread The Good Word," that
inspired me to start our "Dwrayger Dungeon" movie blog, and this one
Tom not only sings, but he also plays all the instruments on this feel good song that should be blaring on the radio all Summer everywhere! Turn It UP!!!
Rev. Tom Frost - "Lucky Old Sun"
Tom not only sings, but he also plays all the instruments on this feel good song that should be blaring on the radio all Summer everywhere! Turn It UP!!!
Rev. Tom Frost - "Lucky Old Sun"
Friday, June 8, 2018
LET US OUT - "Let Us Out" (1991)
After a couple of years of sending tapes to musicians, magazines, and radio stations, it finally got to a point where people actually started sending unsolicited tapes to me, and I thought that was very cool! This 1991 tape by Colorado's "Let Us Out" is a fine example!
Here's the letter I got from Terry that explains the type of theatre they perform. "Let Us Out" was Terry Gould - writer, engineer, producer! Everything else including vocals, sound effects, and keyboard was done by Sue Niedringhaus, Joe Schultz, Susan Gibson, and Howard Thompson. Howard also did the cover art, and is the narrator on this piece, and Sue was the director. There was also dramatic assistance from Cliff Whitehouse, and engineering assistance from Steve Clayton and Max Hernandez! Grab yourself some chips because you're going to need them to go along with this fishy story!!
Saturday, June 2, 2018
STARK RAVING BRAD - "Stark Raving Brad" (1992)
Well, I don't know how mad Brad was, but I do know he has some kind of insane sense of humor. I don't have much to go along with this, but it doesn't matter because I think you'll find the music pretty dang entertaining all by itself! So here he is in all his glory, from San Francisco, Calif. in 1992! Damn straight!!
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