Friday, January 31, 2020

PENNIES FROM HEAVEN - "Comp Submission" (1988)

I dug through my box of old letters and I found this one from Larry Boyd. I edited it down a bit but you can see that he had just got this keyboard, so besides the Disarray cuts he sent me, he also sent  two pieces he did solo on his new PSS480, and this is one. I doubt very many people have ever heard this. Here's a real blast of 1988!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

DISARRAY - "Dissatisfaction" (1985)

 This was a submission tape that I got from Larry Boyd in Middleboro, Massachusetts for my Refried Dreams compilation by his band called Disarray!

I couldn't dig up much other info, but I did just read that Larry has passed away.
Hopefully it's not true.

Monday, January 27, 2020

ULTRAVIOLET EYE - "--Heroin Geek--the movie" (2000)

 This is a CD that came out in 2000, which doesn't seem right to me, because I was pretty through with the whole thing by then. I know Jeff had sent me a CD, and he also sent us videos to play on "Offbeat," but that was way before 2000, so maybe I bought this CD some years later. Either way, it  doesn't matter.

Ultra Violet Eye was SO good, I just expected them to be BIG by now, but I guess not, because an internet search turned up almost nothing. There's a couple of videos, and you can get at least two of their CD's from CD Baby etc, but other than that, I couldn't find much at all. In fact, this CD isn't even listed on Discogs.
Here's a great little song with a  really long name!

 24 hours later I have found out via Berlin that Jeff Charreaux of Ultraviolet Eye is still active in a band called Walker Brigade. Here's a link to their Bandcamp page where you can purchase this CD called "Therapy Animal,"or... can listen to a couple of their tunes on Lord Litter's Magic Music Box radio show from last week!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

EIN HERZ IN NOT "Der 3. IRRE-Sampler" (1983)

 I'm almost absolutely sure this was the first tape I got from Mathias Lang in Germany. This is probably one of the oldest tapes I own, having been released in 1983.
"Ein Herz in Not" is an international various artists compilation cassette put out by Mathias on his IRRE label. Looks like I got lucky number 243!

The roster on this tape included Part Form, Attrition Day, Poison Dwarfs, Dino Martini, B.G.S., Atlantikschwimmer, Nero's tanzende Elektropäpste, Reinheit des Herzens, Dreidimensional, Flux, Frauen van Avignon, Kannibalen und Missionare, Demian, Ich, and two more bands, Leidende Angestellte, and Parts Unknown. It's the last two bands I'm going to give you a taste of!

 I did some rooting around, got lucky, and found this tape by the German band Leidende Angestellte on Discogs. It came out in 1983 and was titled "Reife Leistung."It  has this cut on it, and must have been the tape submitted to Mathias.

I also found this tape on Discogs called "Dreamflesh" by the band called Parts Unknown from Australia. It has the cut they contributed on it, and was released in 1982.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

RAY MASON - "Evil On Your Mind" (1980's - 2020)

I never traded tapes with Ray Mason, and I only just heard about him recently from listening to one of Lord Litter's Radio On shows! I liked what I heard, and after I went to Ray's website, I decided to order one of his CDs.

Lord Litter said Ray had been sending him music for at least 20 years, so I dug around some and found this cassette tape that is probably from the late 80's on Discogs, but there weren't any for sale.

 Here's a couple of shots I snagged off of YouTube of Ray.........

 ............Playing 'Live' at a gig in 2017.

This is the CD I ordered, and if you want to give it a try, follow this link to CDBaby, (It's worth it just to get the hilarious followup email they send you!) and you can sample all the tracks. From these samples, I really liked what I heard, and if you like what you hear, it's easy enough to order. If for some reason I could never understand and you don't like what you hear, then try one of the other eleven CD's Ray has available!

Just in case you don't have time for all that, here's a quick fix of Ray with Tom Shea on lead guitar and vocals, Frank Marsh playing drums and chewing gum vocals, and Dave Hayes on bass, performing "Evil On Your Mind" in 2018!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

ETAT DES STOCKS - "Galactic Gigolo" (1990)

 Patrick Parent is probably better well known for his Red Neon label straight outta Belgium, but Patrick also made music himself, and this is a tape he sent me in the early 90's.

 The cover artwork was done by Olivier Poppe, and Patrick is responsible for all the Galactic noises!

It sounds like it could have been from "The Forbidden Planet" soundtrack, but it's really

Saturday, January 11, 2020

KEN CLINGER & RAY CARMEN - "Hopes & Fears" (1995)

 "Hopes & Fears." 
That sure is the right sentiment to get this year 2020 started!
"Hopes & Fears" was a collaborative effort between Ken Clinger and Ray Carmen, two of the nicest guys I've never met in person!

Here's the very cool first cut from this great tape!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

LAWRENCE SALVATORE - "Miss Chew Nipples" (1989)

What can I tell you about Lawrence Salvatore that you don't already know? He is a very unique musician with his own style and sense of humor.
I'm pretty sure "Miss Chew Nipples" was the third tape I got from Lawrence.
The other two were "I Love You (Say It With Bricks)" from 1985, and
"My Leg In Love With Your Leg" from 1987.
"Miss Chew Nipples" doesn't have a date on it so I'm going to guess it came out in about 1989.
All the music on this tape is by Lawrence himself, and Miss Chew Nipples herself does some talking about chicken on this song I'm about to present to you called...
LAWRENCE SALVATORE - "I Can Crush Nuts With My Thighs."

..............And for the record, the lyrics are really, "I Can Crack Nuts With My Thighs!"

Monday, January 6, 2020


 This is a re-release by Yximalloo on CD that was originally a cassette only release that was given to me by pStan Batcow. It's Pumf # 448, but the original was #147.

 The members of Yximalloo were Naofumi Ishimaru, Shigeo Ootake, Takashi Khogo, Yoshifumi Niinuma, Tomiko Ishimaru, Hajime Hanada & Shinji Yoshihara! 
The sounds on this CD were created between 1981 and 1986.

Just in case you think you've heard it all, think again! Here's the first track on this CD by Yximalloo to prove otherwise!