Sunday, February 16, 2014

TAPE REBEL 8 - Deadly Serious - "Night With Kim Gordon" (1989)

One thing I liked about the whole cassette scene was all the various artists compilation tapes. This was a real good one  from Germany called "Tape Rebel 8!" This was a release on Winfried Pickart's Weed Music label from 1989. The artists involved were D' Innsect, The Bozfor, Sacks & Violins, Nostalgie Eternelle, Due, Forrest 4, and The Crew, but my favourite song off of this tape was:

Deadly Serious - "Night With Kim Gordon!"


  1. Thanks. I didn't know about this comp. Deadly Steven

  2. Thanx Steven! Nice to know that somebody is reading this! I've been really slacking off again lately! I've got a lot of tapes I need to do, 100's in fact, and a lot of them are V/A comps!
